Have you ever felt like the only person who saw the need for change?
Do you walk through life with the nagging suspicion you're meant for more?
Are you craving an adventure in a world beyond your own?
The People Of Greymalkynne
This gallery of character art and culture descriptions will grow as I can get them created!
Races and Cultures

Da-Shir: The Herdspeople
Da-Shir, in the south-central region of Argent, is a vast country of rolling plains and foothills. The people of this region pride themselves in their fine livestock, whether sheep, goats, cattle, or the finest horses on the continent. Since grazing is the lifeblood of their herds, the society is primarily nomadic, with only one major city, Cho-Namis, the capital.
Da-Shirine people craft fine, dyed leathers and soft buckskin into most of their clothing items, rounding out their attire in thin, soft wool or alpaca fiber. Attention to details make their clothing especially noteworthy.
Espowyes of the Risen Age Archive and Kolenya of The Rending Cauldron are examples of Da-Shirine characters.

Tebal: Fierce Warriors of Queldurik
Tebal, located in the north central and north/northwest of Argent, is a theocratic state, originally founded by Durik during his exile to the unsettled tundra in that region. He dazzled the primitive indigenous people with works of alchemy and converted them to the worship of the Impenetrable Darkness--and later, to worshipping him.
Tebal lacks for natural resources, bounded in the west by towering mountains, the north by icecaps, and arid tundra everywhere else. Their primary export is salt...or possibly slaves.
The people of Tebal have dark hair and light gray skin. The most dedicated to Queldurik will perform ritual scarring on their faces and bodies. Women are often tall and regal, and this is the coveted aesthetic among them. When near a roaring fire that beats back the endless cold of their country, women prefer revealing gowns that draw as much attention as possible.

The Elves of Argent: Celevonese, masters of magic
On opposite sides of the continent of Argent, two cultures of elves dwell as the eldest races of the world. In the east, perched on a mountainside city, the Celevonese elves perfect their trades and past-times. The Celevonese consider themselves the original culture of the elves, off which others have split. Historically, it is correct that the elves were once one people, but they did not dwell in Sarn Celevon when this sundering occurred.
The Celevonese prize magic above all other pursuits, but no elf outside the noble class is permitted to learn the art of Thaumaturgy. They are a strict, class-driven society. Noble family lines have either white/silver or black hair from birth. Elves in the merchant and serving classes have blonde or light brown hair.
Fashion among the Celevonese uses plush fabrics like velvet and brocade. Women's clothing come in many layers with underskirts, overskirts, chemises, and bodices at the minimum.
Astérien Galdronden and Vestra are examples of Celevonese characters

The Elves of Argent: Delsin, cultivators of talent
The Delsin make their home in the magically shrouded city of Delsinon, in the southeastern quadrant of Argent.
After an uprising among the early, unified elven culture over the prohibition of Thaumaturgy being taught to only nobles, a faction of elves split from their brethren to settle their own land.
The Delsin come in all hair colors, although they typically have medium-toned fair skin.
While their culture also prizes Thaumaturgy, being proud of the heritage of being one of the few races on Greymalkynne to possess the gifting, they don't revere it above other talents.
Delsin elves are typically more relaxed in fashion and demeanor than their Celevonese kin, but they are still far more formal than any human race except possibly the Elgadrim. Men dress in wrap-style tunics and wide-legged pants when not traveling, and women's gowns are simple, yet elegant. They are styled for movement, rather than layered for aesthetic.
The Delsin are friendlier to other races on Argent than the Celevonese, but still hold humans--especially the seafaring cultures--in suspicion as a result of historical betrayal.
Vinyanel Ecleriast is an example of a Delsin elf.

Radromirians: Northern seafarers and rugged mountaineers
In the north west of Argent, the Radromirians live in the harsh conditions as cold winds sweep down from the towering peaks of the Triastead mountains to their east, and the endless expanse of the sea crashes to their west. They are a hardy stock of humans, known for shipping, herding, farming what little they can in their short growing season, and executing the handicrafts needed for daily life.
Their seafaring prowess is diminished by a proliferation of Radromirian pirates harassing Argent's west coast, who use their peerless ships and knowledge of the sea to take advantage of other merchant vessels.
Long in Radromir's past, the elves instructed them in ship building, so rare people of the northern culture have Thaumaturgical abilities. Magic, however, is feared and frowned upon, as most Radromirians experience with it is in the hands of Tebalese priests of Darkness or Queldurik, who visit horrific suffering on many a Radromirian with their powers. Therefore, most Thaumaturgically talented Radromirians tend to keep it to themselves or operate within small cells of those learning magic's disciplines.
Radromirians depend heavily on fur, wool, and leather for their clothing, owing to their homeland's harsh cold. They are pale of skin, sunburn easily, and can have any hair color.
Danae Baledric is an example of a Radromirian character

The Vareinor/Elgadrim: First Humans of Creation
The Elgadrim are a beleaguered race of humans who have struggled through their people having scattered into small pockets all over the continent of Argent and beyond.
They are the most ancient lineage of humans, having once been known as the Vareinor, who lived in a republic for many generations before corruption gave room for attack and diaspora.
Since the Thaumaturgical resurrection of the king of antiquity, Aeleronde the Fair, the Elgadrim have come out of hiding to reconvene their small population in their capitol city of Bilearne, which is northeast of Delsinon, not quite central in the continent.
The Tebalese people have been historic enemies to the Elgadrim, bent on their extermination due to radicalization by the Vareinor exile Durik.
The Elgadrim/Vareinor are the only race of humans with the innate gift of Thaumaturgy. Any other human that presents with the gift has Vareinor lineage, whether known to them or not.
Praesidio Alterreon of The Risen Age Archive is an example of am Elgadrim character.

The Forest Gnomes
In the thickest centers of Argent's forests, a diminutive race of people dwells in villages suspended in the treetops. In their everyday lives, the forest gnomes have vibrant skin of every hue across the spectrum. When threatened, however, they have the ability to shift their skin to other colors and even patterns to camouflage with their surroundings.
They are an inquisitive and inventive people, continually creating contraptions and ingenious gadgets to make their lives more productive and safer.
They shouldn't be judged by their size, though. When a forest gnome decides to learn the craft of combat, they are quick and deadly opponents.